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CleanChain Compass

The Brands to Zero program is designed to encourage brands to implement a harmonized and robust approach to delivering safer chemical management. Brands must understand that this is a continuous journey and pledge their commitment as part of the community by being transparent about their operations and chemical products.  To join the programme, all brands must undergo the Brand to Zero annual assessment process, which evaluates and scores the brands on set KPIs.  The evaluation process includes the implementation performance of the ZDHC guidelines and protocols across two key themes: Corporate (Corp) and Supply Chain Performance (SCP). An independent party carries out the assessment and scoring of each brand based on their demonstration of fulfilling their strategy towards cleaner chemical management. Every claim the brand makes must be supported and evidenced by high-quality data.  CleanChain Compass provides a suite of reporting dashboards that allows brands to manage performance on an ongoing basis. It captures and answers key Brand to Zero SCP metrics, ensuring that disclosure requirements are already handled. This platform is specifically designed for the textile and apparel industry, aiding brands in their continuous journey towards safer chemical management and transparency.