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Fair Trade

Fair Trade is a social movement and a market-based approach aimed at helping producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement advocates for the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as higher labor and environmental standards. The key elements of Fair Trade include:

  1. Fair Prices: Fair Trade ensures that producers receive prices that cover the cost of sustainable production. This means that they’re given a fair wage that can provide a sustainable livelihood.
  2. Fair Labor Conditions: Workers on Fair Trade farms enjoy safe and healthy working conditions. Child labor and forced labor are strictly prohibited.
  3. Direct Trade: With Fair Trade, importers purchase from Fair Trade producers. This eliminates unnecessary middlemen and allows producers to develop long-term, sustainable trading relationships.
  4. Democratic and Transparent Organizations: Fair Trade producers are small-scale farmers organized into cooperatives or associations, which they own and govern democratically, or are workers in democratically run factories.
  5. Community Development: Fair Trade farmers and workers invest Fair Trade earnings in social and business development projects such as scholarship programs, quality improvement trainings and organic certification.
  6. Environmental Sustainability: Harmful agrochemicals and genetically modified organisms are strictly prohibited in favor of environmentally sustainable farming methods that protect producers’ health and preserve valuable ecosystems for future generations.

There are several organizations, such as Fairtrade International and the Fair Trade Federation, that provide certification for products sourced in line with Fair Trade principles. These certifications offer consumers an easy way to identify and purchase goods that were produced in an ethically and environmentally responsible manner.